Papež Frančišek (6): Papež se je osebno srečal s matičarko Kim Davis, ki so jo krivično zaprli zaradi zavzemanja za zakonsko zvezo moškega in ženske!

Papež se je na veleposlaništvu v Washingtonu srečal z matičarko Kim Davis, ki so jo zaradi zavzemanja za zakonsko zvezo krivično zaprli v ZDA. O omenjeni matičarki, ki ni hotela homoseksualnih razmerij potrjevati kot zakonsko zvezo in so jo nato zaprli ter po enem tednu izpustili, smo na 24kul že poročali. Tokrat pa prihajajo iz ZDA informacije, da se je papež Frančišek Davisovi »zahvalil za njen pogum in ji dejal, da naj ostane močna!«

Na spletni strani Liberty Council je objavljeno poročilo o tem, da se je papež Frančišek v četrtek 24.9.2015 zasebno srečal z Davisovo in njenim možem ter njenim odvetnikom Mattom Staverjem. Papež je na srečanju dejal, da bo zanjo molil in jima podaril rožni venec.

Davisova je po srečanju dejala, da »si nikoli ni mislila, da bo srečala papeža. Kdo sem jaz, da imam sem imela takšno priložnost? Sem samo uradnica, ki ljubi Jezusa in mu iz vsega srca želi služiti!«

»Papež Frančišek je bil prijazen, ljubeč in zelo oseben. Celo prosil me, da naj molim zanj. Zahvalil se mi je za pogum in dejal, da naj bom močna«, je dejala Kim Davis.

The Secret Meeting of the Papal Trip

Washington, D.C.

One meeting during Pope Francis’ whirlwind trip to America has remained secret.

Until now.

It was, arguably, the most significant meeting, symbolically, of the entire trip.

It should, therefore, be brought to the attention of the public, both in the Church, and in the secular world.

That the meeting occurred may, perhaps, spark controversy. This is evidently why it was kept secret. The Vatican evidently feared the “politicization” of a “pastoral trip” which clearly wished to emphasize the encounter with Jesus Christ, with the poor, with the faithful, with the handicapped, with children, and with all Americans of whatever background.

But there was also, evidently, a desire to meet with a person who has taken a controversial stand out of conscience.

The meeting is a fact, and facts are the material of which reality is composed, and human beings, though they cannot, as T.S. Eliot said, bear very much reality, strive nevertheless to live in reality. And reality cannot be understood without knowledge of the facts. Of what really happened.

Pope Francis listens as he takes questions from journalists aboard his flight from Philadelphia to Rome Sept. 27. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) See POPE-USCUBA-PLANE Sept. 28, 2015.
Pope Francis listens as he takes questions from journalists aboard his flight from Philadelphia to Rome Sept. 27. (CNS photo/Paul Haring)
On Thursday, September 24, in the afternoon after his historic address to Congress, just a few minutes before flying to New York City, Pope Francis received, spoke with, and embraced Kim Davis — the Kentucky County Clerk who was jailed in early September for refusing to sign the marriage licenses of homosexual couples who wished to have their civil marriages certified by the state of Kentucky.

Also present was Kim’s husband, Joe Davis.

Kim and her husband had come to Washington for another purpose — Kim was to receive a “Cost of Discipleship” award on Friday, September 25, from The Family Research Council at the Omni Shoreham Hotel.


“Thank you for your courage“

Pope Francis entered the room.

Kim greeted him, and the two embraced.

There is no recording of this conversation, or photographs, as far as I know. But “there is not any thing secret that shall not be made manifest, nor hidden, that shall not be known and come to light.” (Luke 8:17)

Kim Davis gave me this account of the meeting shortly after it took place.

“The Pope spoke in English,” she told me. “There was no interpreter. ‘Thank you for your courage,’ Pope Francis said to me. I said, ‘Thank you, Holy Father.’ I had asked a monsignor earlier what was the proper way to greet the Pope, and whether it would be appropriate for me to embrace him, and I had been told it would be okay to hug him. So I hugged him, and he hugged me back. It was an extraordinary moment. ‘Stay strong,’ he said to me. Then he gave me a rosary as a gift, and he gave one also to my husband, Joe. I broke into tears. I was deeply moved.

“Then he said to me, ‘Please pray for me.’ And I said to him, ‘Please pray for me also, Holy Father.’ And he assured me that he would pray for me.”

Joe told Kim that he would give his rosary to her mother, who is a Catholic. And Kim then said that she would give her rosary to her father, who is also a Catholic.

Vatican sources have confirmed to me that this meeting did occur; the occurrence of this meeting is not in doubt.

Those who have seen the images of the film of the Pope answering the questions of the journalists on the airplane, on the matter of individual conscience, his determination and passion, are persuaded that he had in mind not a theoretical issue of conscience, but a specific person, someone he had met and embraced — someone whose burden, as a loving pastor, he had taken on his own shoulders.

He was thinking of this person when he answered those questions.

Why Did the Pope Meet Kim?

What was the purpose of this meeting?

Pope Francis met with Kim, embraced her, encouraged her, and, on the papal airplane, when asked the question cited at the outset, he stated, very strongly, that “conscientious objection” is “a human right.”

It is not surprising that the Holy Father met Kim Davis. The Holy Father is considered by many to be the father of all Christians. He is a man of compassion, a man ready to listen to and to comfort all who have suffered for their faith.

It was the Holy Father’s explicit request to visit a prison in Philadelphia, and he took the time to speak with each of the 100 prisoners he met on that occasion.

This is the attitude that prompted the Holy Father to receive Kim, who had been in jail. And her response, from the very first moment of the meeting, showing great affection toward the Holy Father, showed that she responded to this desire of his to comfort her.

The meeting with the Holy Father was a moment of consolation to Kim.

It strengthened her conviction, she told me, to obey the law of God, before the law of man.

It is the teaching of the Catholic Church that, when the human law contradicts the natural law, it is not a valid law.

This encounter between Pope Francis and Kim Davis takes on new importance since the ACLU (the American Civil Liberties Union) has asked that Kim be held in contempt of court.

This means that, should the judge agree with the ACLU, Kim could again in coming days be ordered to be held in prison.

In this sense, the Pope on September 24 clearly “wrapped his protective mantle” around Kim Davis, discreetly, in private, in a way completely hidden from the world, but in a way that was deeply moving for her personally, as a person of conscience.

(to be continued)

Here below is a complete transcript of the Pope’s remarks to journalists as he left the United States on Sunday night. The remarks about conscientious objection are about halfway through the press conference.

The transcript is preceded by a brief summary offered by Father Thomas Rosica, a Canadian priest who assists the Vatican’s press office for English-speaking journalists,

“I’m not a star, but the servant of servants of God”

Pope Francis speaks to journalists aboard the Papal plane

Pope Francis is back in the Vatican after his 10th apostolic journey abroad which took him to Cuba, to the United States and to the United Nations in New York.

During the flight that brought him back to Rome he spoke to journalists aboard the Papal plane, touching on many issues including his just concluded visit, the sex abuse scandal in the Church, the right to be a conscientious objector, a peace accord in Colombia, migration and the upcoming Synod on the Family.

To the questions put to him by 11 journalists in different languages, Pope Francis’ answers ranged from the political to the personal.

Describing his welcome to the United States warm, exuberant and expressive, in one word: wonderful, Pope Francis said the greatest challenge for the US Church is to stay close to the people and accompany them in good and bad times.

Going on to repeat his condemnation of priests who sexually abused children, he point out that sexual abuse is not confined to the Church but that it is worse when committed by men of religion who betray their vocation.

He elaborated on questions regarding the upcoming Synod on the Family pointing out that there is no such thing as a “Catholic divorce” and that the Church has the responsibility of preparing couples much better for their life-long commitment to marriage.

He talked of “Conscientious objection” which, he said, must enter into every juridical structure because it is a right.”

And asked about barriers being but up in Europe to stop the influx of migrants, the Pope said: “All walls collapse sooner or later”. The solution, he said, must be found through dialogue. With barriers – he continued – the problem remains – and with it, more hatred. Finally, noting that he has become a “star” in the United States a reporter asked Pope Francis whether this was good for the Church.

“The media uses this term – he answered – but a Pope is the servant of the servants of God. “How many stars have we seen that go out and fall?” he remarked, “On the other hand, being servant of the servants of God is something that doesn’t pass.

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